The Details
Sans Pareil searches for exceptional tobacco at every turn for cigars. Exceptional tobacco results from growing in the most ideal conditions. This includes the seed, soil, amount of sunlight, and water. Once it has been harvested, unlocking the potential of exceptional tobacco means one must first have the skill and desire to identify and set it aside for cigar rolling.
Sans Pareil’s exceptional tobacco applies multiple fermentations to ensure imperfections are removed for the best smoking experience. This is how the tobacco becomes smooth and silky on the palate. After the imperfections are removed, the tobacco is aged. Aging is often referred to as “putting the tobacco to sleep.” During this time, over several years, the tobacco rests, and the flavors are naturally enhanced.
These processes require significant amounts of time and manpower, driven by sorting requirements. Tobacco must be sorted after every fermentation cycle and at various stages through the aging process to separate the exceptional tobacco from other grades continually. The tobacco that emerged from these harvesting, fermenting, and sorting processes is specifically set aside in a special part of the factory, depending on the tobacco’s needs. Often, it is stored in a temperature-controlled environment to ensure consistency and quality control.
Very few companies in the world practice this process due to the amount of labor and detail required. Tabacalera Palma is a special place where tobacco is truly loved. Partnering with Palma, based on our shared passion for the best, has enabled a company like Sans Pareil to exist and thrive.
Sans Pareil is confident when one smokes a Sans Pareil cigar, the quality of tobacco in the blends will be noticed. Now, with Sans Pareil, anyone can procure and enjoy this experience.
Like everything in life, Sans Pareil’s muse for each blend is balance. While each cigar line has its personality, they are pleasing for every occasion. Whether enjoying the morning with a classic espresso in Italy, A Rombauer Vineyard Cabernet in Napa Valley, or a late-night single malt with colleagues, Sans Pareil has artfully developed a blend you will enjoy.
Sans Pareil carefully employs the following steps to help ensure consistent experiences with cigars:
- Sorting – We select the proper weight and the desired wrapper shade when designing a cigar. These qualities are managed during our sorting process with multiple sorting steps required to isolate the desired grade of tobacco for San Pareil cigars.
- Boxes – Sans Pareil boxes are constructed using fast-drying paints to not give off any unwanted aroma. The wood selected and the construction of the boxes are also scrutinized to prevent contamination. Moreover, the box construction area utilizes carbon adsorption to ensure it is odorless. Implementing these details is time-consuming and costly, but the focus from the start has always been on the cigar. Any compromise from this mission would be a deviation from our quality and duty.
- Bands and Cellophane – The final process is adding the band and the cellophane to the cigar. The bands are placed carefully to ensure easy removal, preventing damage to the cigar underneath. Cellophane is an added protection. The cellophane is very porous, allowing the cigars to breathe properly.
Sans Pareil’s decision to continuously seek the highest quality tobacco began our journey. At the journey’s end is sharing this work with our patrons so they can enjoy our cigars. To ensure the product is enjoyed in the best condition, we recommend a few extra steps be taken:
- Rest – Much like fine wine, cigars will suffer their version of “bottle shock” from ambient conditions during shipping. To avoid this, allowing a new shipment of cigars to rest and reach room temperature outside the humidor is important. Boxes should then be placed in the humidor and remain closed for seven days before opening, allowing the cigars to breathe.
- Storing – Sans Pareil cigars are incredibly complex and delicate. Maximizing the effects of aging requires stable storage conditions. If there are any issues or concerns about your ability to control temperature or humidity, or if you know your humidor experiences high variability, it is best to leave the boxes closed while stored in the humidor. This will provide your clientele with the best experience.
When you have an opportunity to enjoy Sans Pareil, we know you will have a remarkable experience. Cut your cigar and experience Sans Pareil.